Which yarn is more suitable for custom-made sweaters?

In addition to the style and quality of the  sweater factory  , you can also compare the quality of the sweater by looking at the type of wool used for custom-made sweaters. So which types of wool are more suitable for custom-made sweaters?

1. Thick wool

According to the survey, many people like to use thick wool to make sweaters. Some high-grade coarse wool is made of pure fine wool, which is more expensive for this type of wool, but the quality and feel are particularly good.

2. Fine wool

In addition to the high frequency of application of thick wool, the number of people who choose fine wool is also very large. Sweaters made from fine wool have neat and bright lines, beautiful colors, and a particularly smooth and soft hand.

3. Color wool

Among the types of custom-made sweater yarns used, the patterned wool is one of the more messy and complex, but its patterns are many and gorgeous, so many sweater lovers who like bright and bright colors prefer to use patterned wool to make sweaters.


How to better choose a sweater manufacturer

Which groups are suitable for cooperation with sweater manufacturers?

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